John & Yessica Baby Shower

John & Yessica are expecting a baby boy!!

Please join us on Saturday January 25th at 3pm to celebrate this new life! This baby shower is open for Men and Women so please come and celebrate together.

-Your presence is the greatest gift! But if you would like to contribute in another way we have created a “Baby Fund Box” for John and Yessica.

-In Lieu of gifts, and to be most helpful to John and Yessica as they prepare for the baby, you can contribute a cash gift, or bring a gift card to Target, Costco, or safeway.

We cannot wait to have you join us as we celebrate together with John and Yessica. Please RSVP below to let us know you are coming!!

LOCATION: 2700 45th Avenue San Francisco, CA 94116



Groups are a great way to build relationships with others and with God. Each week there is time to eat and hang out, pray, and dive deeper into Sunday’s sermon and the scripture.

These groups meet most Tuesdays 6:30pm at 2700 45th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94115



Sign up below if you are interested in serving at Branches. By joining the team you will make a difference in the lives of those at Branches, and the lives of people in San Franciscol.

There are many ways to serve on different types of Crews. Everything from making coffee, to set up, to helping to plan events…and more.

Sign up below and you will be sent more information on the different areas of service at Branches, and we can find the perfect fit for you.

Get Rooted At Branches.

Do you consider Branches your church family? Then maybe its time for you to take the next step and get rooted further by becoming an official member of Branches Church. The membership of the church helps to guide and lead the church. If you are interested in taking your next steps at Branches and making Branches your official church family then sign up for rooted today.

Classes Happen Quarterly On Sunday Afternoons. Lunch Provided.


Discipleship Sign-Up

A disciple is someone that is following Jesus, being changed by Jesus, and committed to the mission of Jesus. At Branches we have a system of discipleship that will help you to do those three things. You will deepen your faith and learn the Bible. You will be changed as you seek to become more like Jesus, and you will be about to activate your God given gifts to serve the mission of Jesus.

Discipleship groups meet once a week and will go over a lessons that each participate completed during the week. There is deep relationship building and modeling the christian life for one another.

If you are interested about finding out more…sign up below.

By signing up now you are not committing to be a part…just showing your interest for more information.