Jesus is the True Life-Giving Vine and He called his followers the Branches. We believe that by being Connected to Jesus, Serving our Neighbors, and Making Disciples we can experience true freedom and great blessings in this life and the next.

So, as Branches…We are a church focused on growing in our relationship with Jesus and Doing Good in our community and around the world through generous service and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.

We welcome everyone and would love to have you join us!


Location & Services

We are a new church starting in the Sunset District of San Francisco.

Sundays @ 10:15am

2700 45th Ave. (Near SF Zoo)

  • Branches GROUPS

    Dive into God’s Word during our Branches Groups Bible Studies in a home setting.

    We start on Thursday nights at 6:30 for food and fellowship. Our Bible study starts at 7! Let us know you will be coming today.

  • Branches KIDS

    We value our kids at Branches. We have special classes designed just for them. We want to help parents point their children to the love of Jesus.

  • Family

    At Branches we are family! We serve together, care for one another, have fun together, and encourage one another. If you want a true church family to be part of…you have found it.



Jake Woodfin, Pastor

Jake, Hali, Tekoa, Judah, Zion & Elah Woodfin

The Woodfins are a family that loves Jesus.  They have three boys, Tekoa, Judah and Zion and a baby girl, Elah.   They enjoy the beach, being outside, and hanging at the Zoo.

Branches Bear Fruit.


Connect to Jesus.

We LOVE God - a lot.  We believe He created us to be in an all-out, red-hot, crazy-awesome relationship with Him.  We believe that He knows best and that His Glory leads to our blessings. So we worship Him and are committed to growing in our relationship with our Heavenly Father through Prayer, Scripture, and Church Community.

Serve the City.

We LOVE Our Neighbors - more than we love ourselves.  We believe the greatest life to be lived is one that is lived in service to Others for the Glory of God!  So we do everything we can to serve each other as church FAMILY and serve our NEIGHBORS! This is how Jesus lived his life and we are following in His steps.

Make Disciples.

We MAKE Disciples - A Disciple is someone who is committed to doing these two things, Loving God and Loving Others.  We know Jesus brings Hope to our lives in this dark world, and we are committed to sharing that hope with others.  It doesn’t matter if you are 8, 18, 38, or 80 we are committed to passing the Hope of Jesus Christ on to you!  



Here is a simple statement of our Belief in Jesus Christ.  IF you would like more information about our beliefs, please contact us so that we can reach out and discuss any questions you may have.

GOD: has always existed. God has never had a beginning nor will He ever end. God is a Spirit and exists as one God eternally in three persons: The Father, The Word (Son), The Spirit.  The Three are equal in existence, nature, attributes, holiness, power and importance.  The Three serve different roles within creation.

The Father is a perfectly holy, perfectly loving and perfectly just Father who deeply cares for His creation.

The Word (Son) is Jesus who is divine.  The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and was 100% human and remained 100% divine.  It is through His sacrifice that all mankind has the opportunity of salvation.

The Holy Spirit is a person not a force.  He is the Comforter and Helper to all those who put their trust in God.  He seals every believer unto salvation and empowers them for the work of God.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth.  God created His most special and unique creation in His own image: mankind.

MAN: was created to be in relationship with God.  However, through the sin of Adam (the first man), sin nature was passed down to all mankind, so that all mankind are sinners by nature and by choice.  Mankind remains separated from God for all eternity by sin and they cannot remove their sins by good deeds…. That’s the bad news.

In the beginning was The Word and The Word was with God and The Word was God.  The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us as Jesus the Christ.

THE GOOD NEWS (GOSPEL): is that although man in his sin is eternally separated from God, The Father sent His Only Begotten Son, Jesus, to take the punishment for the sins of mankind and restore the relationship between God and His creation. Jesus lived a sinless life, died for the sins of mankind, was buried and rose again three days later.

ALL who put their full faith in Jesus’ sacrifice alone will receive His righteousness, be forgiven of all their sins (past, present, future) and will inherit eternal life with God. The Holy Spirit seals every believer unto salvation and empowers them to live a life to glorify God and serve God through the local church.

THE CHURCH: also known as the Bride of Christ, the Body of Christ or the Household of God is made up of all believers throughout time. The Church as Christ’s Bride will be united in Heaven with Jesus. The Church is expressed on Earth through local called out assemblies.  It is God’s purpose and plan for every believer to be a part of a local church assembly. The Local church has two offices the Overseer (a pastor,elder) and the Deacon (a servant).  Also, the church has two ordinances the Communion (the Lord’s Supper to remember the sacrifice of Jesus) and the believers’ Baptism (to witness the gospel of Jesus and unite with the local church).  The local  church has been given the mission to come together in a loving, serving body to give witness to the good news of Jesus Christ to the world.

As there remains no higher goal in existence, it is the purpose of God to glorify Himself. As His creation it is the purpose of all mankind to glorify God through the ways He has taught us in the Scriptures.

THE SCRIPTURES: are the teachings and purposes of God that come to us only through His revealed Words, The Bible.  The Bible is the only inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God.  In it we find the truth of God, life and all creation.  As such truth, the Bible should be read, studied, and prayed over regularly to strengthen faith and relationship with God.

THE END:  will come exactly as God has planned it.  God will restore His creation to peace and perfection for all eternity. We now await that blessed hope and return of our Lord Jesus.


Branches Baptist Church is an Independent Baptist Church in San Francisco. All are welcome to join us!

Branches: We strive to be Connected to Jesus, Love Others, and Make Disciples of All Nations.

Independent: Meaning we follow Jesus not an organization.

Baptist: Meaning we follow God’s Word as our authority not man made traditions.